Category Archives: Music

Road Trip: March 11, 2011

The American road trip: a destination shrouded with optimism; the limitless horizon your only obstacle; all the required power at your fingertips, in your control; the speed and momentum of the movement, the hum of the road, the purifying wind through open windows, all to assure you, you are on the right path. The road trip is quintessentially American, in both metaphor and experience.

And an essential component to any road trip is the soundtrack. A steady-driving beat, a story of exploration, epicness to match the journey, or even the permission to sing it like no one’s listening, can turn any song into the perfect road trip song.

Music in my Mind: February 18, 2011

These are the songs that have gone through my head today:

I heard the ladies on the Grammy’s perform Jolene, and what a great song! Jack White agrees. Goosebumps.